The IWA Official Site

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The IWA logo. Click on it to go the actual forum of the IWA Welcome to to the IWA web page. The IWA is a fantasy wrestling federation, in which you take up to four wrestlers, and roleplay with them, e.g writing an interview, a promo or anything else they may be in. Obviously, the better the roleplay, the better you'll do. The IWA has 1/2 shows a week, and one PPV every month. It is generally getting new members every month, and continues to grow in popularity and enjoyment for both the owners, and members. We are based at mcrook, a large message board, which also houses another efed, and also off topic, video gaming, movie and other forums. I am the IWA Owner, Andrew, and we have two or three bookers which write matches. Don't delay and join today to experience the unique IWA!
This site has a list of members, free wrestlers, and title histories, and will have more very shortly. Check back soon, for more information, including a website for our next PPV "IWA Annihilation".
This is the forum the IWA is based
There have been 10970 visitors to this site so far.
